Chapter 3 – Separated Unto the Holy Ghost

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    • #5817 Reply


      Hello all!

      This chapter is sooooo good. Murray develops the ministry of the Holy Spirit in such a great way!

      First, he talks about how important it is to have a right relation to the Spirit. This is the root of our ministries and our walks: our gifting and our power! I love that he points out how we tend to ask God to bless us in what we want to do, often before we ask God what He wants us to do. I am so guilty of this at times. We need to be in the will of God before God will work His power through us!

      Second, I love that he points out how when we are surrendered to God, we even surrender out “ordinary religious exercises.” This is something that almost never crosses our minds! Do we begin in the Spirit only to work in the power of the flesh?

      The best part of the chapter is how Murray ties in the power of the Spirit working through us with the holiness of our life. He is, after all, the HOLY Spirit.

      What did you get from this chapter?

    • #5821 Reply

      Carolyn Hayes

      Chapter Three Separated Unto the Holy Ghost

      This chapter emphasized that we must align ourselves and all we do with the Will of God, and to do that we must fast and pray. Prayer is essential in seeking the Will of God in our lives. The Will of God is paramount in all we do.

      My prayer is: Holy Spirit come. Send Your fire. When I have allowed my own will to work where the Holy Spirit should have been given precedence, please forgive me. Lord, help me when I don’t pray as consistently and as intentionally as I should. Holy Spirit, please manifest God’s will in my life. Amen and Amen.

    • #5836 Reply

      Joe Del Grande

      This reminded me of something Pastor Ed Banghart always used to say. Don’t pray that God will bless what you are doing. Instead, pray that God would reveal what He is doing and then do that. God always blesses His plans.

    • #5837 Reply

      Blanca Saccomanno

      One thing that stood out was that God knows what he wants to accomplish with regard to his kingdom and he uses his servants to carry out that work. But we must be willing to wait on the leading of the Holy Spirit and seek his will through prayer. Allowing Him to do the sanctifying work of setting us apart in order to live lives of obedience. On page 36 he states “we have the key that can unlock the dungeon of atheism and of heathendom. But, oh! We are far more occupied with our work than we are with prayer.” Ouch!

    • #5839 Reply

      Gloria Bosak

      This was an excellent chapter! So much truth and wisdom packed in a few pages. What a difference it would make to remember that our work does not begin until God reveals it through the Holy Spirit. I love that the great lesson is that the “Holy Spirit is the director of the work of God upon the earth”. We need to seek His direction so that in faithful obedience we can carry out His orders.

      It means that we have to seek Him daily and give Him the praise and honor. Our position is waiting at the footstool of His throne prayerfully and humbly until He tells us to act.

      I always find it hard to wait. It feels as if I should be contributing somehow to this process:( I suppose that we do not just wait. We prepare our hearts so we can hear. As Murray says, God can only reveal His will to a heart that’s humble, tender and empty—a heart that has learned to obey and honor Him loyally in little things and daily life. As we wait, we pray, trust, surrender and abide in Him. We give the Holy Spirit complete dominion and possession of our lives.

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