Women's Group
In-person and Zoom
Whole Hearts
Whole Hearts is a Bible study/support group for women meeting in person and virtually every Monday at 7:00 pm. Whole Hearts is studying "To Be Told: Know Your Story, Shape Your Future" by Dan Allender, PhD. All women are welcome to join our study in-person or via zoom.
More InformationYoung Adults(18-30)
Young Adults
Young Adults is a community group for anyone over the age of 18 into their late twenties. This group meets in person every Tuesday at 7:45 pm. Along with our weekly Bible Studies, we try to have monthly fellowship events and outings. If you want to know more about our community group please fill out the form below.
More InformationWomen's Video Bible Study
Women's Video Bible Study
Current Study: Nothing to Prove - Why we can stop trying so hard - A Study in the Gospel of John by Jennie Allen
We meet every Thursday from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. Our current study is In this 8-session video study, following Jennie Allen through key passages in John's Gospel that demonstrate how Jesus is more than enough and how our thirsty hearts can only be quenched by the living water he offers. Childcare is provided.
To RSVP, please email Amy O'Hara at amycarolineohara@gmail.com and please include the ages of the children that you will be bringing. Or fill out the form below to RSVP or with any questions.
Men's Group
In-person and Teleconference
Men's Group
Our Men's group meets on Saturday morning. We are meeting in-person at Montclair Community Church and also have a teleconference line for those who cannot make it in person.
Teleconfrence information:
Dail-in: 712-775-7061
ID#: 534302
Sunday Morning Bible Study
From well-versed Bible readers to beginners - All adults are welcome to join. Bring a Bible or borrow one of ours.
More Information