Chapter 6 – The Misuse of Prayer

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    • #7502 Reply
      Lee Grzywinski
      Lee Grzywinski

      Hello faithful readers!

      This chapter is short but offers a very legitimate warning. While we may not pray consciously thinking God is supposed to give us what we want (or think we need), the warnings on page 124, I believe, are very applicable. We tend to pray for “our things,” but neglect to pray for (or even think of, sometimes) the other things that are going on, even in our own church. Without a specific prayer request, do we pray for all of the community groups that meet each week? For the prayer meeting? For the preacher who will preach this coming Sunday? For the Tuesday night and Sunday morning Bible studies? For Youth Group? For Children’s Church? There is so much to pray for!

    • #7540 Reply

      Joe Del Grande

      I was a little uncomfortable with this chapter. Perhaps I was misunderstanding it, and I like the way Pastor Lee wrote about it in his comments.

      I don’t think it’s wrong for us to pray for ourselves, our family, and the people and circumstances in our lives. I’ve always been taught that God is our father in heaven, who wants his children to come to him even with the smallest requests. However, I need to broaden my view and pray not just for the things that impact me, but pray for the people, things, ministries, etc. that God cares about.

    • #7600 Reply

      Nayara Jordan

      I echo the thoughts going on so far. The truth is, while going through life I already struggle to consistently pray the “selfish” prayers; for myself, my family, my career, my marriage, my service, finances, etc. So it’s a new level of convicting to be reminded that even beyond ourselves there is a world to pray for.

      “Lord, teach me to pray!”

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