Wedding Ceremony Questionnaire (Pastor Eric)

Brides Information

Groom's Information

Ceremony Location & General Details

Ceremony Structure & Flow

A “one ring ceremony” means only one ring is exchanged during the wedding ceremony, typically given by the groom to the bride, while a “two ring ceremony” signifies that both the bride and groom exchange rings with each other, giving each partner a wedding band. The two ring ceremony is the more traditional option.
i.e. Unity Candle Ceremony, Sand Blending Ceremony, a song, communion, a special family tradition, etc

Scripture Reading

Personal Touches & Customization

Let’s make this YOUR ceremony!
Such as a background of the two of you, how you met, any special stories, things for me to know in order to write a special, personalized ceremony that is intimate and meaningful to you.
Marriage is the joining of two lives, and it also brings together two families. During the ceremony, I like to acknowledge immediate family members and express the importance of their love and support in your new journey. Who are the key family members—parents, siblings, or others—you would like to recognize?
What do you want your ceremony to feel like? Do you picture it being short and sweet or deeply meaningful? Is there a central message or theme you want to shine through? What do you hope your guests take away from it? What elements would make it feel perfect for you as a couple?

Wedding Party

Please include what they will be doing for you. For example: Celine Dion (Singer).

Other Details

Wedding Ceremony Outline Guide


We want to work together to create a ceremony that reflects both of you as a couple. Use the guide below to help get you thinking about how you’d like the ceremony to flow. Feel free to make it your own and add anything meaningful to you both!


1. Welcome & Opening
  • Will there be a welcome message or opening remarks?


2. Processional
  • Who will walk down the aisle? (Grandparents, parents, bridal party, etc.)
  • In what order will they enter?
  • What song will play?


3. Opening Words & Introduction
  • What do you want the officiant to say to set the tone? (Example: a personal story, scripture, or thoughts on marriage)
  • Should the officiant acknowledge the family and friends gathered?


4. Readings, Prayers, or Special Elements
  • Would you like a scripture, poem, or special reading?
  • Who will read it?
  • Will there be a moment of prayer or a special blessing?


5. The Message
  • Do you want a short message on marriage?
  • Are there specific themes or verses you’d like included?


6. Exchange of Vows
  • Will you write your own vows or use traditional ones?
  • Would you like prompts from the officiant, or will you read them directly?


7. Exchange of Rings
  • Will there be a short message about the significance of the rings?
  • Do you want a traditional ring exchange or personalized words?


8. Unity Ceremony (Optional)
  • Would you like to include a symbolic act? (Examples: candle lighting, sand ceremony, tying the knot, communion)
  • What would make this moment meaningful to you?


9. Pronouncement & First Kiss
  • Do you want a specific phrase for the pronouncement? (“I now pronounce you husband and wife,” or something unique?)


10. Recessional
  • What song will play as you exit?
  • Will guests throw petals, cheer, or do anything special?
Extra credit if you write out your own outline!