Reply To: Chapter 3 – Prayer As Work

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Lynne Mazza-Hilway

I love the way O. Hallesby describes “the weapon or equipment God has given us that make us invincible – Jesus ‘ Holy Spirit and prayer, a prerequisite to all the rest of Kingdom work. We touch His Almighty arm and some of His omnipotence streams in upon us, through us and out to others. This wireless transmission of power was from above should be a steady flow in our lives, flowing streams of blessing, which through our prayers should reach our whole environment. Beginning in our homes, we pray the Spirit could give us that open eye of love which sees both visible and invisible needs. That the machinery has become too heavy is due to the fact that we are operating it with human labor instead of running it by power from above. Let us pray the Spirit of prayer will take us into the workshop where the power conduits lie.”